Thursday, November 20, 2008

Freebie Offers

When completeing offers, Who wants to spend 5-10 minutes filling out information, when only 2 pages is necessary? I’ve found out for some sites all you have to do is submit the 2nd page!

Here’s the latest:

(BBS) Big Bucks Survey - Go until you see “Congratulations and thank you for your participation! You’ve been entered to win in our sweepstakes!” *Answer questions with asterick*(BSP) Brand Survey Panel - Submit 2nd pageBrandarama - Submit E-mail/Zip. Close 2nd page. Close pop-ups. Enter into Pending.*

(CB) Consumer Beat - Do until you see message in black at the top that reads “Thank you. Your information has been received successfully…” *Answer questions with asterick*(CDS) Consumer Direct Savings - Submit first page*
(CE) Consumer Expression - Do until you see message in black at the top that reads “Thank you. Your information has been received successfully…”. There will be an additional survey beneath this message, it is not necessary to complete it. *Answer questions with asterick*
(CIR) Consumer Incentive Rewards - Go until you get to the page that says “Last Step.” Close pop-ups.
(CPC) Consumer Promotion Center - Submit 2nd page
(CRB) Consumer Research Bureau - Submit first page. Close 2nd page. Close pop-ups. Enter into Pending.*
(FS) Franklin surveys - Submit address page and one offer. Close page 2. Close 5 pop-ups. Enter into Pending
(FB) Freebie Brands - Submit first page*
(FCG) Free Consumer Gifts - Submit first page*
(FGW) Free Gift World - Submit E-mail/Zip. Close 2nd page. Close pop-ups. Enter into Pending.*
(MPG) Mega Promotions Group - Submit address page, usually page 3
(MER) My Elite Rewards - Submit 2nd page
(MID) My Insider Deals - Give info and choose offer on 2nd page. Submit. You’re done.
(MSG) My Select Gifts - Submit 2nd page(NP) Net Panel - Go until the progress bar in upper right corner shows completed and when you see “Exclusive Bonus Offer…” at top of page. When you get to this page the progress bar will be empty again but you are done.(ORC) Online Reward Center - Enter zip/email. Close second page. Close pop-up. Enter into Pending.*
(OD) Opinion Direct - Go until you see message in black at the top that reads “Thank you. Your information has been received successfully…” *Answer questions with asterick*(PD) Prize Draw - Submit first page*(RG) Rewards Gateway - Submit 2nd page

(SL) Savings List - Submit 2nd page (choose offer)
(SS) Serving Surveys - Submit 1st page*
(SFF) Surveys For Fun - Go until you see “Thank You! Your information was received successfully and you have now been entered to win” *Answer questions with asterick*(SN) Survey Networks - Go until you see message in black at the top that reads “Thank you. Your information has been received successfully… - Go until “Congratulations! To qualify for your Gift Card, start by fully completing any 2 of the Silver offers listed below! It’s fast and easy!”
(WSHTS) What She has to Say - Go all the way until “Thank You! Your information was received successfully and you have now been entered to win” page. *Answer questions with asterick*(WM) Win Moolah - Go all the way until “Congratulations and thank you for your participation! You’ve been entered to win in our sweepstakes!” page

(WS) Winning Surveys - Go until “Thank you. Your information has been received succesfully..”
(YFOG) Your Free Online Gifts - Complete entire survey
Sign up at here: it’s 100% FREE!!!!

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